
MOH, OPTA commend efforts of Covid-19 volunteers in Oman

Oman Wednesday 18/August/2021 15:37 PM
By: Times News Service
MOH, OPTA commend efforts of Covid-19 volunteers in Oman
Representative image

Muscat: The Ministry Of Health and Omani Physiotherapy Association (OPTA) have commended the efforts of volunteers to fight the pandemic. MOH and OPTA together had launched the National Medical Rehabilitation Campaign to fight COVID-19.

OPTA, in collaboration with the Directorate General of Specialised Medical Care's department of Medical Rehabilitation Services at the Ministry of Health, has been running an educational awareness campaign aimed at spreading awareness and providing support to health sector workers.

The activities of the one-year National Medical Rehabilitation Campaign have been undertaken by a number of medical rehabilitation departments in the Sultanate's public and private health institutions.

The drive includes three basic programmes:

1. Fitness programme titled "Stay active.stay safe"
2. Free Online Consultation programme "You talk. We listen"
3. Community awareness and educational programmes.

The third programme includes several activities like the use of educational materials for educating the community, as well as filming and producing motivational and awareness videos to exhibit successful experiences of some people who have been infected with COVID-19 and how they overcome the infection.

Chairperson of OPTA and MOH's Head of Medical Rehabilitation Services Samia Al-Raisi pointed out that the association is continuing to support individuals in particular and society in general. She affirmed that the campaign's success is achieved through maintaining cooperation from individuals as well as the whole community.