Muscat: In the past weeks an additional section was opened to accommodate Covid-19 patients in Sohar Hospital due to other departments being at full capacity.
The Oman News Agency (ONA), said that the World Health Organisation (WHO), and a number of research institutions confirm that approved vaccines against Covid-19 are safe and work to reduce the severity of the virus.
Dr. Hilal bin Mohammad Al Shibli, in the intensive care unit at Sohar Hospital, said that taking Covid-19 vaccine will reduce the number of cases that require admission to intensive care.
Humood bin Saif Al Maamari, the health nurse in the intensive care unit at Sohar Hospital, said that patients are admitted to the intensive care unit when the oxygen rate decreases and breathing accelerates due to severe damage to the lungs.
"The patient will be connected to a monitoring device for vital signs such as heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure and oxygen percentage, and then be prepared for receiving anaesthesia by connecting him to the artificial respirator. It is painful to see the increase in the number of patients, especially the young," added Al Maamari.