Muscat: Important landmarks in Oman and neighbouring Saudi Arabia will be lit up, as part of the ‘Not Alone’ campaign, which aims to promote awareness about mental health, and encourages people to come forward and talk about the problems they’re facing.
Organised by the Whispers of Serenity clinic, which offers counselling services and runs psychology workshops for people in the country, the ‘Not Alone’ initiative aims to achieve its objectives through three means. The first is the Light of Hope: From Oman to the World campaign.
This involves “lighting several prominent landmarks in the Sultanate and abroad, such as the Royal Opera House, the German University in Muscat, the Omantel head office, and the Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia courtesy Al Waleed Philanthrophies, in green, with this particular colour symbolising the continuous need to spread mental health awareness, and combat the stigma associated with it,” said a statement from the clinic.
The second is the Candle of Hope Challenge, which sees people light a candle signifying hope with the participation of several volunteers and influencers from around the world.
“This is seen as a symbol of reviving hope in the souls of those who’ve lost it, and bringing them back to life,” added the clinic. “It also includes support for everyone who needs psychological support and help, to spread awareness of the importance of mental health.”
The third angle of awareness generation includes setting up psychological support lines to support the families of Palestinians in the Sultanate, also to support them during these difficult circumstances.
“During this pandemic, many of us have experienced issues that have affected our mental health, or have witnessed a loved one suffer,” explained the clinic. “We have seen that despite the support all of us provide, it is not enough. Likewise, every year in May - which is Mental Health Awareness Month - the team strives to deliver its message of awareness around mental health and seeking psychological help to alleviate the suffering of individuals around us.”