Over half of hospitalised Covid-19 patients still display symptoms six months later: Study

Oman Tuesday 11/May/2021 12:44 PM
By: Times News Service
Over half of hospitalised Covid-19 patients still display symptoms six months later: Study

Muscat : A French study indicated that 60 percent of patients admitted to hospitals due to Covid-19 still have at least one symptom six months after the infection, which is often fatigue, pain or difficulty in breathing.

According to the study prepared by the National Institute of Health and Medical Research and published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 25 per cent of these people show three or more symptoms and that two per cent are hospitalised again.The study was conducted on a group of 1,137 patients to track their conditions after receiving treatment in the hospital.

The study showed health follow-up examinations after three and six months of hospitalisation for infection with Covid-19 that among the most common persistent clinical symptoms that were reported are a feeling of great fatigue, respiratory difficulties, and muscle and joint pain.

The researchers concluded that the persistence of at least three symptoms after six months of infection is more common in people who were infected with Covid-19 and required admission to resuscitation departments compared to those who were admitted to the regular care departments and for patients with more symptoms upon admission to hospital.The study also showed that men were more susceptible to serious complications, but it seems that women are more likely to have symptoms for a long time.
Ten  per cent of those who infected with Covid-19 showed persistent symptoms of "SARS-Cov-2" according to some estimates, including people who have not been hospitalised and those who have suffered from mild or moderate symptoms.