Want to own government land in Oman? Here is what you need to do

Oman Sunday 09/May/2021 16:44 PM
By: Times News Service
Want to own government land in Oman? Here is what you need to do
Image used for illustrative purpose
Muscat: An Omani citizen must be at least 23-years of age and be the only breadwinner of the family that consists of a wife and children or one of them, or for one of the parents, or a breadwinner for himself, provided that he is less than 40 forty years of age. These are among conditions issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning to grant residential government land in Oman. 

Article one stipulated that granting residential government lands shall be in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

1- The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning may grant one governmental residential plot of land to the applicant, in the approved detailed plans

 2- In order to grant residential government land, the following are required:

-If the applicant is a man, he must have completed 23 years and be a breadwinner for a family consisting of a wife and children or one of them or for one of the parents, or be a breadwinner for himself, provided that he is not less than 40 years old, and the title to the land is issued in the name of the two spouses if the man is the breadwinner for a family.

-If the applicant is a woman, she must have completed 23 years and be the sole breadwinner for her family or married to a non-Omani and residing in the Sultanate permanently or divorced, widowed or abandoned and have no children or support for herself, provided that she is not less than 40 years old

3-Priority is given to granting residential government land to a family that does not own a house or residential land suitable for construction, and it is not permissible to sell the granted land except after the completion of construction and in accordance with the controls issued by a decision from the Minister of Housing and Urban Planning.

  4 - In order to grant the family residential government land, it is a condition that no member of the family has previously been granted residential land prior to the implementation of the provisions of this decree.

5-The governmental residential land is granted in the applicant's state or in the state in which his permanent place of business is, as the case may be.

  6- Some applications for granting residential government lands may be excluded from the aforementioned controls and conditions, in accordance with the rules to be specified by a decision issued by the Minister of Housing and Urban Planning after the approval of the Council of Ministers.

The second article says that granting commercial government , residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural lands for the right of usufruct shall be in accordance with the conditions and procedures stipulated in the aforementioned Royal Decree No. 5/81.

Article Three: The controls and conditions stipulated in the appendix to this decree apply to applications for entitlement to government residential lands submitted to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning before the provisions of this decree come into effect. The conditions and procedures stipulated in the aforementioned Royal Decree No. 5/81 shall also apply to requests for entitlement to commercial government , residential commercial, industrial and agricultural lands submitted to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning prior to the implementation of the provisions of this decree.

Fourth Article :The Minister of Housing and Urban Planning issues the necessary decisions to implement the provisions of this decree, and until they are issued, the existing decisions shall continue to be enforced in a manner that does not contradict its provisions.

Fifth Article said :The governmental land entitlement system promulgated by Royal Decree No. 81/84 referred to shall be repealed, as it cancels all that contradicts this decree or contravenes its provisions.