Muscat: The three parties represented by the Ministry of Labour, the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI), and the General Federation of Workers of the Sultanate of Oman, praise the new labour law and its importance.
Ministry of Labour:
His Excellency Dr. Mahad bin Saeed Baawin, Minister of Labour, stated that the issuance of the Labour Law comes in line with changes and developments in the labour market, which confirms the supreme keenness of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik, may God protect and preserve him, for the advancement of this country and the advancement of Oman to higher levels of organisation.
His Excellency explained that this law is important in preserving rights and achieving aspirations, after fruitful cooperation and partnership between the three production parties. One of the priorities of its drafting is to take into account the interest of the worker and the employer alike, giving priority to the public interest represented in establishing legislation that balances the labour market, and builds solid foundations on which a renewed Oman is based.
Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI):
His Excellency Faisal Al Rawas, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the OCCI told Oman News Agency that the issuance of the labour law will achieve balance between the two production parties (employers and workers), and work to define the rights and duties of each party in the labour market, and improve the quality of workers’ performance and productivity.
The chairman of OCCI stressed that the labour law will contribute to improving the investment climate in the Sultanate of Oman and enhance competitiveness of the Omani labour market among global markets.
The General Federation of Workers of Oman:
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Federation of Workers of the Sultanate of Oman has confirmed to ONA that the labour law comes to give a broader contribution to the organisation of some sectors according to the requirements of each stage, and to ensure the presence of tripartite joint committees in accordance with international labour standards.