Budget 2023-24: Government to work towards making India global hub for millets

Business Thursday 02/February/2023 11:21 AM
Budget 2023-24: Government to work towards making India global hub for millets

New Delhi : As part of efforts to make India a global hub of millets, Indian Institute of Millet Research in Hyderabad will be supported as the Centre of Excellence for sharing best practices, research and technologies at the international level, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Wednesday.

The minister said in her budget speech that India is largest producer and second largest exporter of 'Shree Anna' in the world. "We are the largest producer and second largest exporter of 'Shree Anna' in the world. We grow several types of 'Shree Anna' such as jowar, ragi, bajra, kuttu, ramdana, kangni, kutki, kodo, cheena, and sama. These have a number of health benefits, and have been an integral part of our food for centuries. I acknowledge with pride the huge service done by small 7 farmers in contributing to the health of fellow citizens by growing these 'Shree Anna,'" the minister said.

"Now to make India a global hub for 'Shree Anna', the Indian Institute of Millet Research, Hyderabad will be supported as the Centre of Excellence for sharing best practices, research and technologies at the international level," she added.

She recalled words of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that India is at the forefront of popularizing Millets, whose consumption furthers nutrition, food security and welfare of farmers.

The government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi spearheaded the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) resolution for declaring the year 2023 as the International Year of Millets. India's proposal was supported by 72 countries.

UNGA declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets back in March 2021.

India is a global leader in the production of millet with an area of about 12.5 million hectares and a share of more than 15 per cent of the world's total production. Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Telangana are the major millets producing states.