As you send your son or daughter off to school, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re prepared for the little cuts, scrapes and burns that can happen along the way. One vital step is to create complete first-aid kits for your home. If you already have a first-aid kit, periodically take inventory to ensure you have enough of those essential supplies for coping with life’s minor injuries.
First, make sure you have large enough waterproof containers for your first-aid kits that are both lightweight and durable — and that everyone in your household knows where to find your home kit when it’s needed.
How to stock your first-aid kit
To fill (or replenish) your first-aid kits, here are essential items to have on hand to treat minor injuries or burns. It’s also always important to read the labels on your products ahead of time to be aware of their age use requirements before you face a minor emergency:
1. Alcohol-free cleansing wipes — These are handy to clean a minor scratch or wound immediately, and will help decrease the chance of infection. To avoid the sting, wipes must be alcohol-free. Always use them to remove dirt or particles from the affected area before applying a bandage. It may also be helpful to include disposable gloves to minimize the spread of infection.
2. Antiseptic spray or cream — For open wounds or scratches, keep a trusted antiseptic on hand as your first line of defense against infection. Use on a clean wound as directed before applying a bandage. One handy option is Alocane Maximum Strength First Aid Antiseptic Spray.
3. Variety pack of adhesive bandages — Having various sizes will help you cover small- to medium-size wounds easily. Also include a roll of sterile dressing and gauze to cover larger areas when needed.
4. Small scissors — When working with rolls of bandages or gauze, you will be happy you added scissors to your first-aid kit. Depending on the wound’s location, you also may need to cut away clothing that gets in the way of dressing the wound properly.
5. Eyewash and pads — Including eyewash in your kit can make it easier to flush unwanted contaminants from an eye while simultaneously cleaning the area. After washing, you may want to cover the eye with sterile eye pads to protect it before seeking medical attention.
6. Tweezers — These can be used to remove splinters, bee stingers or small debris from wounds.
7. Burn Gel or Spray — Burns happen, so be prepared by having Emergency Burn Gel and/or Burn Spray in your first-aid kit to help prevent any minor burn from worsening.
With these first-aid items on hand and easy to locate, you and your family will feel much more prepared for any of the minor scrapes, cuts and burns that can happen as part of daily life.