Labour Ministry launches national system 'Innovation and Change Management'

Oman Sunday 12/June/2022 11:35 AM
By: Times News Service
Labour Ministry launches national system 'Innovation and Change Management'
Photo by Labour Ministry

Muscat: The Ministry of Labour has launched the national system 'lnnovation and Change Management', under the patronage of the Undersecretary of the Ministry.

"The first meeting of the national system 'lnnovation and Change Management' was held with the aim of introducing the system and bringing together the concerned parties of the various governmental and private agencies to work on developing an action plan aimed at strengthening the Sultanate of Oman's position and improving it in international competitive indicators under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Nasr bin Amer Al Hosani, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour for Labour, their Excellencies, advisors, general managers, and representatives of government and private units," Labour Ministry said in a statement.
Talal Al Balushi, Director of the Administrative Development Department at the Ministry of Labour, said that the system aims to make work environments in government institutions supportive for innovation and change management, and to benefit from the experiences of the private sector in developing administrative work systems in government units.