Daily habits in the holy month of Ramadan change when many people alter their routines to adapt with rituals that they don’t normally perform in other...
We are now enjoying the blessings of the holy month of Ramadan once more as we fast during the day and enjoy the holy privileges bestowed on us during the...
As we celebrate Oman Teachers’ Day, it is important to reflect not just on the academic knowledge our educators impart, but on the lasting values and life...
When my cousin told me that our father-in-law exhibits signs of dementia, I said I was not surprised at all considering his very advanced age.He is 95 and...
The man was so short that I mistaken him for a child. He walked in quick but short strides to keep up with his family. Walking with his wife, he looked like...
Obesity is a complex public health issue that necessitates a multifaceted approach to address and reverse the trend globally. From 1990 to 2022, the rates...