It was on a quiet afternoon when I was at the Oman Avenues Mall shopping when I heard distant screams coming from somewhere within the mall. As I kept ascending the floors, the screams started getting louder. But for a change there was something about those screams that didn’t creep me out, instead got me going towards it. They weren’t actually the petrified screeches but were more like sounds of thrill and excitement.
If you are in Oman, then you’ve definitely been to the Oman Avenues Mall and if you have been in the mall then it is not very likely for you to have missed Funtazmo, the indoor amusement park, which happens to be the largest in the country. A new addition to this amusement haven is the roller coaster that is sure to be the key attraction of the park. Located on the second floor, with a double height space, the roller coaster overshadows the place by its enormity. The 274 metre long coaster travels at a speed of 9.5 m/s and can accommodate 16 people at one time.
Being a fan of speed and thrill, I got excited when I saw this black beast zoom past me. I got into a cart after purchasing the ticket and held on to the railing bar securing me to the seat. It started off slow and smooth to gather speed by the second until suddenly we hit the first inversion, followed by drop, followed by a climb to a steeper drop. There were multiple twists and even a whole 180 degree turn, which is when I could not keep my mouth shut and screech found its way out of my mouth. I was a little embarrassed as the kid sitting next to me was calmly enjoying the ride without shedding a hint of fear at all. I was disheartened when the ride came to an end but the 60 seconds I spent on the ride did feel much longer and I did feel more alive and gushed even when I was off it.
The complete action can be viewed from two galleries across the centre – one located on the same floor and the other on the third floor giving a bird’s eye view of all the fun taking place inside.
Roller coaster and other rides at Funtazmo can be availed by grabbing a gaming card at the customer service desk located at the entry to Funtazmo, which you can preload with however much money you choose plus additional free extra load. Games and ride prices start from 450 baisas. —[email protected]
Oman Avenues Mall
+968 9494 9513
450 bz per ride