Muscat: Heavy to moderate rain fell in Jabal Akhdar, Samail and Sohar on Thursday afternoon. “Rains fell in the afternoon. Wadis are overflowing,” Bader Ali Al Baddaei, an administrator of, a local web-based forum that discusses weather in Oman, told the Times of Oman.
Three days of rain are expected in the coastal areas of Oman, including the capital, starting from today, according to Public Authority for Civil Aviation (PACA).
The PACA has issued an early warning of a low depression forming in the coastal areas. Muscat, North and South Sharqiyya, Dakhiliyah and South Batinah will be affected by isolated rains with a possibility of thunderstorms and showers starting from Thursday till Saturday.
Hail storms and strong winds may also occur during this period. Wave height in the Oman Sea will reach up to two and a half metres.