
Oman’s state audit body attends finance, accountancy meeting

Oman Tuesday 07/September/2021 20:34 PM
Oman’s state audit body attends finance, accountancy meeting

Bangkok: The Sultanate, represented by the State’s Audit Authority (SAI), is participating via videoconferencing in the 15th meeting of the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI), and the organisation’s 8th symposium currently held in Bangkok.

The Sultanate is represented in the two-day meetings by Sheikh Nassir Hilal Al Maawali, Chairman of SAI.

The meeting looked into the activities of the organisation since the 14th meeting of the general assembly, as well as financial and budget reports and the organisation’s plan for the period 2022-2024.

The meeting also dealt with a report on the organisation’s research project at its 12th session pertaining to cooperation with regional, Arab, European and African organisations.

The meeting approved the formation of working groups to undertake sustainable goals and crisis management, among other issues.